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Yoga Nidrā: Experiencing and Teaching the Liminal

with Taryn Diamond

2 Saturdays & Sundays
9 – 12pm / 1 – 3pm
25 hours
$350 + HST

Yoga nidrā is a mind-body relaxation practice that combines guided meditation with deep physical and mental rest. In yoga nidrā, the participants lie comfortably on the floor with their eyes closed while being guided by a teacher through body awareness and visualization. Yoga nidrā is an incredibly rich modality with a deceptively simple premise: that through bodily rest and curated words, one can explore the liminal space between deep sleep and wakefulness.

This course offers a deep dive into the theory and experience of yoga nidrā. Live teaching hours feature dynamic lectures, group learning processes and practice teaching. Foster a meaningful relationship with this modality through both a study of the theory and an embodied experience. Your homework will lead you on the path toward becoming an effective yoga nidrā instructor in a way that both honours the tradition and holds relevance for our modern lives.

Please note: This course is designed to be paired alongside the Yogic Meditation course. Pairing the practice of meditation alongside teaching Yoga Nidra, will enable aspiring teachers to experience the subtle and from there, share it. The result – you will emerge with an established and nuanced understanding of the differences between yoga nidrā and meditation and an ability to hold space and silence from a place of personal experience and authenticity – an underrated skill that is highly transferrable to leading any yoga offering.