Ellie is an honours graduate of the Canadian Collage of Massage and Hydrotherapy. She has also studied Emergency Medicine at the Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology where she graduated as a Primary Care Paramedic.
She aims to help her clients understand what is happening in their bodies and treats accordingly. She is well versed in an assortment of different massage treatments, including but not limited to, Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, sports massage, pregnancy massage, infant massage and lymphatic drainage.
During her education, Ellie spearheaded a research project focusing on fascia and how its restrictions can prevent healing in the body. Through this project she gained experience in efficiently managing fascial restrictions that cause pain and prevent movement. Through her academic placements she worked with clients presenting with various comorbidities as well as those managing a variety of mental health illnesses
Ellie taught Anatomy at the Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy and presently teaches Anatomy of the Moving Body and Applied Anatomy at Yogaspace for the Teacher Training Program, of which she is also a graduate.