with Angela Jervis-Read
November 14-16 and 21-23
2 Fridays, 9:30am – 5:15pm
2 Saturdays, 11:30am – 6pm
2 Sundays, 11:30am – 4pm
50 hours – $1400
Early Bird – $1300 (If paid 2 months before the start date)
Yin Yoga is an integrative practice that combines observation, sensation and stillness. Positions are held for 3-5 minutes in a passive way. The weight of the body and the force of gravity do all the work. With each exhale, there is the potential to do less, to let go, to relax into the shape.
In these suspended moments, the student has the opportunity to listen to their body. Sensation is the language of the body and with practiced attention the student has the potential to tune into what the body really needs. When we attend to sensation with no agenda or expectation, we can re-establish healthy movement patterns, release negativity and awaken to the peaceful truth that underlies all reality.
Benefits of Yin Yoga
Develop a strong foundation in the psychology of yoga.
Learn three concise and easy to follow body maps, from which you will learn to build thoughtful, therapeutic and engaging classes.
Chakra Theory (Psychology of Indian yoga)
Meridian Theory (Psychology of traditional Chinese Medicine)
Myofascial Trains (The hardware that carries the mental and emotional vibrations through our physical make-up)
Learn to sequence classes that take into consideration your students mental, physical and emotional condition by applying your knowledge of meridians and chakras to the manipulation of myofascial trains.
Posture Assessment
Learn how to gather information about your clients emotional and mental state by assessing their posture.
Yin Yoga therapy is a very effective way to work with people who have autoimmune dysfunction. Conditions like arthritis, asthma, psoriasis, anxiety, panic disorders, high blood pressure, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, acid reflux, poor circulation and depression can be helped significantly with one-on-one instruction. Learn how to do proper intakes and design programs for
your students unique circumstances.
For those who teach in classroom settings, Yin Yoga is a highly effective way to work with diverse groups. People who are new to yoga, experienced practitioners, students of various ages and different levels of fitness can effectively work together. Learn to design sequences that are applicable to, and easy to adjust for varying abilities and capabilities.
Who Would Benefit from this Training?
Understanding the science behind Yin Yoga compliments many unique and diverse backgrounds.
Yoga Teachers, Massage Therapists, Psychotherapists, Chiropractors, Reiki Practitioners and Life Coaches are just some of the many healers who can apply the knowledge of Yin Yoga to expand their understanding of the psychosomatic relationship
and their offerings.
Hours and Certification
This training is a six day, 50 hour intensive and counts as Continuing Education with the Yoga Alliance, for certified Yoga Teachers seeking to further their studies and accreditations.
33 hours in Studio, 6 hours Online, 11 hours Practice Classes + Homework
The Venue
Building resilience requires a safe and supportive environment. As one of Toronto’s oldest and most established yoga studios, Yogaspace is the perfect venue for this type of exploration.
What’s Included
All fees are subject to HST and are in Canadian Dollars.